Friday, June 11, 2010


ここに面白いブログでアニメと米国の漫画の違いの投稿です Scientific Thoughts. 私は最も重要な部分を太字にして

I have been watching anime since I was about 12 years old. From the first time I started watching Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. I can still remember my friend staying over at my house so we could wake up early enough to watch these shows.

I believe they aired at 6am on Saturday, which is really early for a 12-year-old (especially if they don’t have to get up for school), but we used to force ourselves to get up bright and early because we were enthralled by this new style of cartoons we had discovered. The story lines, the fight sequences and just the overall moral of the show. The main character always seemed to have an internal struggle From doing what was right even if it didn’t fit in to the norm of society.

I enjoyed this style, it gave the characters more depth. It made the show feel more real than anything I had ever seen. Up to that point, the only cartoon’s I had seen were Tom and Jerry, The Simpson’s, and a string of other Cartoons on The Disney channel or Nickelodeon. Now I’m not trying to say there is anything wrong with those cartoons’ I mean look at The Simpson’s. It’s one of the longest running cartoons in American history. They must be doing something right, but these cartoons don’t take much thought process to watch. There is no real plot to follow, while some of the humor might have an adult content. That’s about as far as the depth goes, there is no internal struggle and the characters never grow. I mean, the Simpson’s have been on for over 20 years, and Bart Simpson is still in the same grade.(Here I thought I did bad in school)

I haven’t watched this show for years, but if I switched it on today Bart would be the same two-dimensional character I grew up watching. Still a trouble maker harassing his teachers and fellow students. How he hasn’t ended up in juvenile hall is beyond me. but if you missed too many episodes of an anime show, you wouldn’t know what’s going on. The character from the beginning of the show would have changed. He would have had to deal with things that made his character grow as a person. One thing I like is they have to deal with death of friends and loved ones. That’s one thing you’ll never see in Sponge Bob, you’ll never see Patrick lose his life. They just won’t deal with anything that dark and real. While in anime the main character will lose his best friend or his parents, It causes real conflict in him. To this day I still watch anime, I still get that feeling of excitement when I turn on my favorite anime show each week and watch as they try to overcome whichever obstacle that stands in front of them.

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